



01 Metaball Tutorial in Cinema 4D

Posted In: Cinema 4D, Tutorials, Video
Here is one very simple and good way to create some abstract cool looking 3D animation in Cinema 4D using the Metaball object.We going to make the Metaball object setup then animate the objects inside and import Adobe Illustrator file to create 3D logo or type. Use the Vibrate  TAG in Cinema 4D to simulate natural movement of the camera. Create environment and load HDRI image to fill it. Make some materials to reflect the environment and add lights to the scene. Also use Fracture object in MoGraph to manipulate the Phong angle of the polygons and bring more reflections in text.



02 Landscape in Cinema 4D tutorial

Posted In: After Effects, Cinema 4D, Tutorials, Video
One way to use basic Landscape with rock texture and get realistic landscape sceneIn this tutorial we going to create Landscape in Cinema 4D use MoGraph to create 3D text and random effector to shift the position and rotation of the letters. We will use camera settings to export Depth channel and use it in After Effects to simulate DOF using the lens blur effect.



03 My CGTuts+ Tutorial

Posted In: After Effects, Cinema 4D, Tutorials, Video
This is my first tutorial for CGTuts+ where I show some tips in Cinema 4D and After Effects.All starts with Adobe Illustrator where I create logo splines. Import them in Cinema 4D. Use Extrude NURBS to make splines 3D. Then break the 3D logo in regular grid mesh to have extra geometry for use this geometry with Bone tool in C4D. Set up Bone structure & connect it to logo. I start to animate the logo and it will behave like is 3D Jelly. Export After Effects ( separate the logo from the background with alpha & lumma matte )composition and bring all that in AE. Use the 32bpc to recreate the color glow.Use curves to give some contrast and other color corrections. Simulate motion blur using RSMB plugin for AE



04 Recreate Sherlock Holmes trailer title

Posted In: Cinema 4D, Tutorials, Video
This is one of my favorite Directors “Guy Ritchie” and Prologue did a great job building motion graphics for the film Sherlock Holmes. I really love it so I try to recreate some of the titles in cinema 4d and after effects. Hope you like this and used in real projects.



05 Transformers Titles in Cinema 4D

Posted In: Cinema 4D, Tutorials, Video
This is a simple setup for imitation of the Transformers effect in Cinema 4D using Explosion FX. It is not the same animation butt is close to the original and is rendering very fast and ones build the setup you can put everything like text and logos inside.



06 SLOW MoDynamics

Posted In: Cinema 4D, Tutorials, Video
This is a example how powerfull can be your animation in 2-3 simple steps using Cinema 4D MoGraph and MoDynamics settings. With a little help from Destruction Plugin By Adam Swaab and GrayscaleGorilla. I showing the power of the volumetric lights and how great motiongraphic effect gives to your animation. More info bout the music you can check here.



07 Comedy Titles in Cinema 4D

Posted In: After Effects, Cinema 4D, Tutorials
This is a very simple sett up  for Comedy title sequence using Cinema 4D mograph, spline effector and delay effector. The render is very fast and nice looking final output. The compositing is done in After Effects, the lights are from videocopilot plugin “Otical Flares”.



08 Iron Man 2 texturing titles

Posted In: Cinema 4D, Tutorials

This is my test of trying to recreate the typography texture over the new Iron Man movie witch I see in the poster. I’m using Photoshop to create the texture for the bevels of the text and use a texture for the front cap. Use a texture tool to manipulate the texture to fit your needs, use inner extrude and extrude to create your unique bevel. Simple use of the warp deformer and that’s it, hope you like it.



09 The MOD look

Posted In: Cinema 4D 

This is something that you guys ask for and like I told you it is veeery bouring tutorial  and the only good think is the final look so hope you get something useful when you watch the video. I was recording this in 2.00 AM and I’m little washout  



10 Natural & Unnatural lighting

Posted In: After Effects, Cinema 4D, Tutorials

In this tutorial I show you my understandings of lighting from the real world and thinks I study in school about how different lights affect objects different. The most interesting is combination of natural and unnatural light witch you may see a lot in the real world. I use Cinema 4D and After effects for this scene also Trapcode particular 2 and Optical flares.



11 5 Rules in Logo Design

Posted In: Identity, Print, Tutorials, Typography

This are the 5 steps that I follow when starting logo design. There is no right or wrong way to build a logo but there are a few things that you need to check out and try to do not forget. I’m sure that I forgot something and if you like to say something that is important for logo design please add a comment below.



12 Create HDRI in Cinema 4D

Posted In: Cinema 4D, Tutorials

Quick tip how you can build your own HDRI image inside Cinema 4D.
Using bake texture tag you can make every cinema scene in to a hdri and use it for lighting with global illuminatio

